Rocketcat Games is a small company made up of three people. We are:
Kepa Auwae: Planning, Business Stuff, Design. Updates Twitter and Facebook.
Jeremy Orlando: Programming, Sound, Special Effects.
Brandon Rhodes: All other Art, and a lot of the writing.
Before Hook champ, we didn't really have any game industry experience. Kepa was a registered nurse, Jeremy programmed simple Mahjong flash games, Brandon delivered pizzas. This all prepared us for a career in game development, somehow.
Below is a big list of questions and answers. If you'd like to ask a question that you don't see in the list, send it to
What are your plans for the near future?
How do we get information about what games are coming next?
Why the name "Rocketcat Games"?
Where are you located?
What are your top 3 games of all time?
Why did you get into making games, if you had no experience or training doing so?
Are you going to bring your games to (insert console/other platform here)?
What are your plans for the near future?
Right now we're finishing up work on Wayward Saga, a follow-up to Mage Gauntlet. It will have randomly generated levels, multiple different characters to play as, and will be free but with character purchases. After that, we're looking into porting Wayward Saga to PC. As we do that, we're going to start work on a Zelda-style game. By that we mean an open-world action-adventure, with a focus on exploration and survival like in the first Zelda.
How do we get information about what games are coming next?
If you want frequent small updates about what we're working on, you should follow us on
Twitter here. We also post weekly articles, previews, and videos on our Facebook page here.
Why the name "Rocketcat Games"?
Rocketcat was the name of the first game we designed, but never released. Our mascot/logo was the main character from the game. Also we can't come up with anything better.
Where are you located?
Kepa's in Washington State, Brandon is in Arizona, Jeremy is from Detroit. None of us have ever met in person. We all work out of our houses.
What are your top 3 games of all time?
Kepa says, "Doom, Spelunky, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Though this list changes CONSTANTLY. I also have a soft spot for Fallout 1 and 2". Brandon says, "Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate 2, and Asheron's Call". Jeremy says, "Starglider II, Zelda 3, Quake".
Why did you get into making games, if you had no experience or training doing so?
We grew up on games, so it seemed like it was worth a shot. Also, we were big FPS (First-Person-Shooter) fans, and at the time we guessed that the genre would stagnate due to the huge success of "military corridor shooters". We thought that if someone was going to make a really unusual FPS, it might end up being us once we had enough practice. We have a "dream project" we will make eventually, and all our games lead up to it.
Are you going to bring your games to (insert console/other platform here)?
We recently had Punch Quest ported to Android. Depending on how well that does, we'll likely have future games also get an Android version. We're moving to PC for our bigger games, soon, porting ones that fit well on mobile devices. As for other platforms, no concrete plans yet.